You can test Keepass c# Webservice
Masterpassword: test00All Passwords are stored on native .kdbx File. Don't forget, save not real passwords on this Test environment
This Service are Programming in c#. I programmed a Web.UI/wrapper to manipulated Keepass 2.x Database. Recommends: KeePassLib.dll from original Keepass sourcecodeVersions
- 1.0.0 2016-05-15 based on Keepass, Initial Release, simple gui, basic save, delete entry
- 1.1.0 2016-07-04 advaced gui, new, entry, change items
- 1.2.0 2016-07-25 based on Keepass, new, delete, change folder, Recyclin Bin support
- 1.2.1 2016-07-25 bugfix, better error handling
- 1.3.0 2016-08-09 simple login from Master Password
- 1.3.1 2016-08-09 New Feature: Search
- 1.3.2 2016-08-09 New Feature: Expired Support, Display on Search.
- 1.3.3 2016-08-09 api for Password Generator, password quality
- 1.4.0 2016-08-09 Responsive UI
- 1.5.0 2017-03-12 XSS Protection, remove bugs
- 1.5.1 2017-03-12 based on Keepass 2.35.0.*
- 1.5.2 2017-07-14 based on Keepass 2.36.0.*, removed KeyEncryptionRounds fixed
- 1.5.3 2017-07-20 New Feature: Multiuser System
- 1.5.4 2017-07-29 sqllight backend, credential check, brute-force protection
- 1.5.5 2017-08-12 JQuery UI: Password Generator, search: bugfix
- 1.5.6 2018-02-05 New Feature: Protection for Overwrite Item (same DB)
- 1.5.7 2018-03-02 New Feature: fileview attachmend (max 1MB), tags
- 1.5.8 2018-05-06 based on Keepass 2.38.0.*Kdbx/Key download, attachmend support (max 1MB), correction accesstime, XSS Bugs
- 1.6.0 2018-05-15 Redesign GUI, jQueryUI, ApplicationFlags: Demo-Mode, Download KDBX, Change PW
- 1.7.0 2018-06-08 based on Keepass 2.39.1.*New Feature: Admin Backend with CSV Export, Download, Change DB, Create new DB, some Bugfix Multiuser
- 1.7.1 2018-06-30 New Feature: Item move to another Group
- 1.7.2 2018-07-08 New Feature: Item with Color
- 1.8.0 2018-12-27 based on Keepass*
- 1.8.1 2020-02-13 based on Keepass*
- 1.8.2 2021-12-11 based on Keepass*
- 1.9.0 2021-12-17 Edit, remove and search Tags
- 1.9.1 2023-01-20 based on Keepass*
- Ils with dot.net Framwork 4.0
- KeePassLib.dll
- System.Data.SQLite.dll
- Modern Browser for : Jquery, JQuery UI, awesome Fonts