ASSP Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy Server Watchdog
ASSP Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy Server Watchdog
Wer einen ASSP (Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy Server) betreibt will mit Nagios oder Whatsup Gold diesen Service im Auge behalten können. Mit einem kleinen Script kann man den Status des Service abfragen:
# ASSP watchdog process.

# Start in the correct directory.
cd $BASE

# Check for a running ASSP process and give Process ID
PROC=`ps axww | grep "[a]" | awk '{print $1}'`

FILES=`lsof -p "${PROC}" | grep /usr/share/assp | grep perl`

# Test If ASSP is not running.
if [ "${FILES}" ]
then {
echo "ASSP OK"
else {
# Start ASSP
# /etc/init.d/assp start


The Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy (ASSP) server project is an Open Source, Perl based, platform-independent transparent SMTP proxy server that leverages numerous methodologies and technologies to both rigidly and adaptively identify e-mail spam. ASSP is easy to set up because it requires only minor changes to the configuration of your your Mail Transfer Agent.

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