IPcop 2.0.1 update veröffentlicht
IPcop 2.0.1 update veröffentlicht
IPCop 2.0.1 is released

v2.0.1 is an UPDATE only, *NO* installation files. To install from scratch you will need to install v2.0.0 first and then
upgrade to v2.0.1.

In addition to the usual updates to software used in IPCop, v2.0.1 adds:
 firewall logging to the log summary,
 Classroom Extensions (CRE) to the proxy,
 translations across several languages.

074f332919571586c5fe58fbcda9d4d6  ipcop-2.0.1-update.i486.tgz.gpg

Download: http://www.ipcop.org
Update: Web-Interface

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